Welcome to Tessa's blog

Monday, July 2, 2018


The most memorable thing last week at work was the picnic we were treated to Thursday afternoon. It marked the end of the semester. The food was good (salmon and cheese quiche) and the company entertaining.

I spent yet another weekend at the summerhouse. Saturday we went to a car boot sale to get rid of some unwanted things we are not using anymore. The sales went relatively well. Sometimes my mother buys more things than she sells, but this time she only got one top cheaply so it ended on plus. The weather was hot and sunny so I got burned on my arms. The ocean water is however not so warm, only around 15-17 degrees. Sunday I dared to jump in once more but it was a short dip.

The Swedish soccer team is doing well in the world championship, they won one more match. The next one is tomorrow afternoon and I know already now there will hardly be any visitors or staff members present at the library then. Generally, there are actually more people here than I thought at this time of year. Probably because our database has been off line. During the summer I get a lot more desk duties, often two or three per week. I also have to guide the two temporary workers who are here to do some moving and shelving projects in the stacks and storage. It will be a busy summer.

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