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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas party at work

It was a hectic week at work. In addition to the regular work I had to make preparations for the Christmas party Friday evening. We were several people who went shopping, decorated the room with two fake trees, got the tables and chairs out, and installed lots of lights, both electric and live candles. It went very well, because we were in a room that isn't used for anything at the moment, so we had time to decorate it. Last year we had one hour to do everything and it almost killed us. We used the same caterer as then and it was a great success. Even though she didn't have the cakes ready in time, so she had to make a second delivery. But the food was magnificent, and very much worth the price. She had handmade meatballs, for instance. Very nice food. The party was also very successful, everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. There was lots of talking and eating. Even presents and a quiz.

Saturday I rested. I had a marvelous headache and didn't do much. I watched TV, winter sports mostly. This weekend I have also wrapped presents and written Christmas cards. I didn't go anywhere today, because the train service was interrupted. They have built a train tunnel under Malmö, making access to Denmark easier. There are also two new stations. They have spent all night and day reconnecting the tracks and changing the computer system. It seems to be working. We'll see how it is tomorrow morning. There is a new timetable to learn also.

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