Welcome to Tessa's blog

Thursday, January 28, 2010


The weather has been interesting here. There was a magnificent snow storm yesterday afternoon and evening. It was ok as long as it just snowed, but then it started to blow real hard, and that's when there are logistical problems. I went home almost two hours earlier than normal so that I wouldn't get stuck in Lund. I was lucky to catch a train that was the only one going that hour. There are three an hour usually that I can get home on. So there were passengers from three trains onboard. Not fun.

The car that had radiator problems is now repaired, to our great sorrow. We had hoped we would get a new one to drive to the storages with. I guess we will have to make do with the old Volvo a few more years.

The week at work has so far been a very average one. The meetings, both formal and informal, have been about the lack of staff and why the routines for the open collection don't work. No solution in sight, unfortunately. Right now I have desk duty, and there is a total of one visitor. A little boring, but there were a few more earlier.

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