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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Archive visit

I haven't done much research for other people the past six months or so. But all of a sudden there have been several requests coming. This, in addition to being curious about some people mentioned in the old almanacs I'm reading, made me decide to go to the archive Saturday. It was a day full of research and I still didn't have time to check everything. One of the requests was really an impossible one, because the church records had been destroyed by fire. I couldn't find a way around it, unfortunately.

I have now finished reading the almanacs written by Olga 1910-1981. It was truly amazing to come to know her life this way. I have an entire writing pad filled with notes of various kinds. It's going to take a long while to put this together, but someday I hope to write her life story.

Not having a TV has meant more radio listening. I especially favor the station that plays rock music, www.rockklassiker.se. (To listen live click on Lyssna live and wait for 20 sec). It reminds me of my youth.....

The week at work is filled with - work! These past two weeks have been pretty tough. Someone said that there are more students than ever before at the university. You notice this also in town, there are lots of young people in the restaurants and book stores.

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