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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Slow beginning

The beginning of the new year has been fairly slow with rather few activities. The weekend was spent at home. It was too cold to go out. I vacuumed, baked a chocolate cake, made some more ornaments for the tree, watched TV, started sorting the documents on the floor (again) and spent a few hours trying to solve one of the brick-wall genealogy cases (no luck).

I worked Monday and Tuesday, and there were quite a lot of requests. The librarians at the desk said that the students already got their reading lists (semester starts at the end of January). Today is Twelfth Day, a holiday in Sweden, so we are off from work. It's a little strange to have a day off in the middle of the week. This year there will be very few extra days off. Our national holiday is on a Sunday, Labor Day is on a Saturday, All Saint's Day is on a Saturday and then Christmas Eve is on a Friday. We do not get any compensation for this. One positive thing though is the fact that I will get more vacation days this year. It will be a total of 35 days now. It's very generous, but they have to give us something else in return for the lousy salary. This is the way it is in state/governmental jobs, though I have to admit that I can't complain about my salary. It seems like I don't have the huge expenses many other people have either. I don't have a car, for instance. My hobbies don't cost much. The only cell phone I have is the one they gave me at work. And then I like to shop in second hand-stores.

One very annoying thing happened last night - my TV quit working! This is one of those occasions when I wished I had a car. I can't just go to the store and buy a new TV, it's a little too heavy to carry on the train.....

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