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Friday, April 26, 2019

Easter weekend

I spent Easter weekend at the summerhouse. We (my mother and her boyfriend were also there) took it easy for the most part. There were some activities; looking at art exhibits, visiting friends and eating good food. I also washed my car. There was a fleamarket we happened to spot while on the road, so we stopped and got some minor things. The weather was sunny. So sunny that I got burnt. Even so, it was a nice weekend.

Over the weekend we also went to the cemetery to attend to the family graves. There were now gravestones for the three relatives that passed away last year.

I returned to work Tuesday. It has turned out to be a rather slow week. There aren't many students here right now. I sent one box with books to the Royal Library in Stockholm today. When I'm out shopping for my library I bring a list of missing books also at the Royal Library. It often corresponds - we both lack the same titles. It's certain publishing organizations that never sent in their printed material to us. Most of them don't exist anymore so we have to purchase these books if we want them.

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