Welcome to Tessa's blog

Friday, May 3, 2019


Last weekend was about the usual things; shopping at fleamarkets and some house cleaning. I got a cherry tomato plant (and a pot for it) for the balcony.

Tuesday it was Walpurgis Night and the violent student partying meant that the library was closed. We could work but I chose to stay at home and do even more cleaning. I also did a big project where I rearranged my book cases to get one more shelf. It was hard work, especially to get the glass cabinet out of the actual book case (and then put it back again). The extra shelf is already filled with books.

Wednesday was May 1st, our Labor Day, so we were off from work that day too. I was hired as a mover for someone who was moving into a care facility. It was a move within the same town so not a big job.

This week we got massive amounts of book requests from two different patrons. Most of the books needed cataloging, so many people were involved before we could make the books available. I was out at the storage twice this week to help with these cases.

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