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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Historical Society meeting

The kitchen is almost finished. There are some small jobs left and then the tiles and wallpaper I will probably have to get professionals to do. My father and his girlfriend have been very inventive and have solved the problems that appeared. It's an old house and the position of the pipes was challenging, for instance. They have also helped me reorganize my attic space and assemble a piece of furniture for the hall. I have started to fill the cupboards in the kitchen; the dry food is back and also forks, knives, plastic boxes and some cleaning liquids. Not everything will fit in my new kitchen, that's why I needed to get the attic space reorganized. I have also given many things to charity.

The weekend was packed. I started Saturday morning by going to a mall. I bought two tunics there. Then on to Malmö for an extensive shopping round. I covered six second hand stores, one mall and the Chocolate Factory. The biggest purchases were for the library. I buy books that we don't have in our collection. On the way back I also went for groceries.

Sunday I drove north to Hässleholm to visit an old lady (she is mostly my mother's acquiantance). She likes to sew and I had bought thread and fabric for her. In return I got some oven mittens and a very nice dinner. After chatting for a while I continued on to my birthplace, Övarp in Norra Strö parish. I attended the annual local historical society meeting there. Some people I know gave a speech about a book project regarding Norra Strö church. I'm involved because I have searched for printed material for the authors, and also given some advice. The meeting was well attended (surprisingly) and there were lots of people to talk to. I handed out some research material (the bibliography mentioned in an earlier entry). The annual society publication contained a small article I had written about a 400 year old document. The topics of discussion were varied and we even continued talking out in the parking lot. Afterwards I went home to my father and his girlfriend, they treated me to an evening meal; moose meat. I was pretty tired when I came home that evening.

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