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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Some progress

The kitchen work is progressing. There are now ten cabinets in place, plus I got my stove back. It's going slowly because the measures in the room are a little off. It's an old house and the walls need to be made even first. The water pipes are also sitting slightly too low but they could not be changed so my father had to cut out a large piece of one cabinet to fit them in it.

Last week at work was rather slow but I brought one colleague to the storage for a study visit one day. She had never seen it before. We are supposed to create some sort of map of the collections at the storage so she got the guided tour of the premises. I have also had time to start sorting the incredible amount of documents on my desk (and under it and behind it and in the vicinity of it)...

Over the weekend there were more errands to run and also some sport to watch on TV. The Vasaloppet ski race was this year won by a Norwegian guy.

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