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Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Tuesday last week I drove to the summerhouse. It takes just over one hour. If I had started at my apartment and chosen to go by train and bus it would have taken more than three hours. Having the car will save me time and trouble. Late Tuesday evening my sister also arrived. The next day we (including our mother, of course) attended aunt Elna's funeral. It was a regular workday but all the nearest relatives attended. It was a sad occasion but we knew Elna had had a good life. She was an important part of our family. At the meal afterwards we had her favorite cake, a green princess cake (made with almond paste and lots of whipped cream). It was nice to meet the relatives, it's not often we see them.

I remained at the summerhouse for a few days and helped out with garden work. There were dead trees to cut down, among other things. We also went to a harvest fair, did some minor shopping in town and brought most of Elna's belongings to a charity shop. I was given one of her scarves and a small decorative box as something to remember her by.

Sunday was the election day and it seems to be a complicated affair where no one really won. It remains to be seen if they can sort that out and actually form a government. Monday I drove home to my apartment. I took a long detour by choice. My cousin has a clothing store with my size range. There were some purchases made; a tunic and a pair of pants. I didn't notice until afterwards that she had given me a discount. I continued on westward and had a great lunch at a golf club and then made it to two different shopping centers on the west side of Skåne. The one in Hyllinge was almost empty but had some outlet stores and cheap grocery stores. At the biggest one, Väla, I got a skirt, a blouse and some small things. I got back home at 7 in the evening, pretty tired.

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