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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Quiet weekend

Last week we were only two people to share the desk duty. I did three days of that and spent one day at the storage. Friday I had run out of energy so nothing much was accomplished. The past two weeks my colleagues at the inter-library loan department handed most of the tasks over to me. Even though the incoming requests were stopped there was a lot to do. Generally, we noticed an inrease in the number of requests here this week.

The weekend was rather quiet. My father and his girlfriend came to visit. There was not much to do in the kitchen so it was mostly a social visit. We went out to a restaurant for dinner. They had the motorhome and stayed over night because they were going off on another visit nearby Sunday afternoon. After this I removed the last cardboard, tools and equipment and put all of it in the attic. I also moved a few decorations into the kitchen.

The weather is bearable, 23-25 degrees and often sunny. It's going to take a while before the hot temperature cools down inside the library.

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