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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Danish books

It's pretty stormy weather here occasionally. It's typical of the season. My car is small and I do notice the wind while driving. The massive road and bridge work is now over and I can drive the normal route to work. But the rerouting meant that I discovered a new grocery store and also a thrift store I had never seen before.

Thursday last week I went shopping in the evening. One of the malls had a VIP-night and most stores had 20% off the entire stock. Very generous offers. I bought one top and some craft items. Also groceries.

Last week at work I went to the storage three times. I had to search for books my colleagues couldn't find. One patron also asked for some specific Danish Bibles from the early 19th century. Since we have so many of those it was actually easier to go directly to the shelves, rather than the catalogue. The old handwritten catalogue can be very difficult to decipher and the order is not always that clear. The patron was very happy when I found the books he asked for.

At work I got involved in yet another project. This one is about online education. The first meeting was just a brief introduction. More will come later.

The weekend was rather quiet. I did some handwashing, cooking and tidying up. Cauliflower is cheap at this time of year and I have made several dishes with it. It definitely is my favorite vegetable.

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