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Monday, October 22, 2018

Antique books

Last week at work I had desk duty the first three days. Thankfully, one colleague saved me and took the remaining two days. The most exciting thing happened Tuesday, when they called me from the information desk and asked me to help someone who needed proof of her ancestors' name. She wanted to change her last name to something her great grandmother had been named and needed to find the records. It was not difficult to locate the correct pages but she was really impressed.

Saturday I was at an antique book fair in Lund. Bought two books and then ran some errands. Sunday I did a road trip to some flea markets in the countryside. I found two nice egg cups for my collection. I'm very happy about my car. It's great to be able to just drive anywhere and not have to wait for a train. Right now there are problems also in the car traffic because one of the main highways is closed off for road and bridge work. It means that I have to drive a different route to and from work so I don't get caught in the now extreme through-traffic outside Lund. 

The weather has been pretty nice but it's getting colder and darker. I planted some heather in the flower box on the balcony, and also removed the furniture from there and put it in the attic.

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