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Monday, December 17, 2018

Christmas party

Last Wednesday I held one more lecture on biographical works but this time for a different crowd. The board members of the Skåne Historical Society were visiting. They were enthusiastic, to say the least. Even though this is their subject area they had never heard of most of the books I showed.

Friday at the morning fika I was asked by one of the cataloguers where I will spend Christmas. After talking for a while about Borås (where the library science college is) we realized that we attended the library education at the same time - in the same class! She has been my colleague here for two years and we didn't recognize one another. The library education was a long time ago now, more than 20 years. I can't believe how fast time flies.

Friday evening there was a fabulous Christmas party at work. It was arranged by the cataloguers. The theme was kid's party. We had to be creative and make a pasta picture and there was also a quiz. The alternative Lucia songs with unexpected lyrics performed by the cataloguers were incredible. A very tasty buffet was served but it was not in Christmas style. Chocolate cake for dessert. We also got our presents from work, it's a gift certificate so we get to chose the present from a website.

The weekend was not that hectic, at least not compared to previous ones. Saturday I went shopping and ran some errands but mostly for other people. I found a few more books for the library. Sunday there was biathlon to watch on TV (the Swedes did very well) and my kitchen needed sanitary arrangements.

I just sent out the annual Christmas letter by e-mail. If anyone feels neglected, let me know. Since I'm going to Borås for the holiday it might take a while before I can write here next time. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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