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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Christmas party

Last Wednesday the fire alarm went off early in the morning at the library. It was a minor fire in the electrical central most likely caused by a rat. We had to wait for quite a while before we were allowed into the house. It left a strong smell in a large part of the building for several days afterwards.

The same day as the fire some people from another library came and borrowed the small truck we have. They used it to bring several hundred boxes with books to our storage. They shelved, thankfully. That library previously consisted of five units, so they had been forced to weed their collections. The books they couldn't keep were handed over to us instead. I think there will be more deliveries in the future.

Last week we found out that the boss of my department is leaving his job at the end of this year. This came as a huge surprise. It will be difficult to find a replacement.

Thursday I handed over the research to the vice chancellor, who was happy to receive it.

Friday it was time for the Christmas party at work. It was arranged by the special collections department. Remarkably, there was only vegetarian food. I managed to get some herring from a colleague who had smuggled a jar in to the party. There was a quiz, at which we did well and some singing, where the quality can be discussed. It was a nice party with a summer theme, so we had been asked to dress accordingly, I had a yellow blouse and sunglasses.

Over the weekend I put up my Christmas tree and decorated it. The branches can just about take the weight of the ornaments. It is overloaded, like every year. It looks great.

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