Welcome to Tessa's blog

Friday, October 30, 2020


The past three weeks have been mostly about work. Several people are sick frequently, which means more work for me. I don't know why I have managed to stay in health this long. Mostly luck, I assume. The rules for distance is stricter, since the corona virus is increasing here. The only other places I visit are grocery stores. Recently I also dared to go into a clothing store and got two pairs of pants. 

At work one of my colleagues has moved to another department and there is no replacement yet. We had an online meeting with all staff members, which was challenging, but it functioned. Since we have a new boss, there are a lot of workshops and extra information. We are asked to make plans for the library's future and things like that. Last week we had a database upgrade and there were some minor problems afterwards (if you clicked on Print Slip, the printer went crazy and didn't stop printing)... The technicians fixed it pretty quickly. 

I have visited two different libraries for meetings in real life. Another meeting was at the storage, near the compact shelves. They are not working properly. We have lots of problems with them. Often we can't open the electric shelving system at all. It's very annoying, because the students want the books placed in it.

I have started a new project. This spring a student asked for the history of our old card catalogue. That's when I realized that there is no list of printed works about this library and its history. I have started to compile such a list and it's very interesting. There are quite a few works written about our collections, staff members, library architecture and organization. Many of them I was not aware of. I have engaged some colleagues in the work with this bibliography also.

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