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Thursday, April 23, 2020


Last week the Geology library gave us about 70 boxes with journals. It took most of the day to load, unload, shelve and fold the cardboard. Lucky for me I didn't have to do any of it. I still had to be present at the storage to unlock doors and give advice. I engaged in shelving of our ordinary collection instead (it was much needed).

There isn't much going on here now. The weekend was slow. I did pick up the princess cake the local grocery store gave me for my birthday. It's already consumed. Yes, it was very tasty.

Monday I changed the tires on my car. Meaning I went to a tire business and they did it for me. There was never any real need for winter tires this season but it's mandatory so we have to comply. The weather is very sunny and warm right now.

At the library we are decreasing the service more and more. Starting yesterday we closed off all the reading rooms and facilities. It is now only possible to pick up reserved books and hand in returns. Nothing else. The collections the users can order from have been limited very much. Needless to say, our users are really angry. This time of year many students are writing papers and require a lot of printed materials. I have avoided the information desk and have stayed in the stacks. I don't want to have to defend a decision I am very much against. This will have long term effects on the student's academic results, and also their economy. If they can't hand in their papers they will not graduate.

At work many people are working from home. We use a communication service called Teams. I found myself to be included in three different groups on Teams. In the beginning I didn't look at it. It took quite a while before I understood that the absent colleagues send messages to me from home. They are searching for errors in the database. There are thousands, for various reasons. For instance, we have moved books to storage but the catalog post indicates the book is still in the main building.

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