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Sunday, February 18, 2018


Since some of my tasks have turned out to be a little too straining it was decided that I no longer have to drive the storage round or do any shelving/retrieving of books. This remarkable decision taken above my head will have a very negative effect on my colleague's work load. Especially since we are one person short already. At the same time they have changed the schedule for desk duty and given the staff in the stacks even more work retrieving also from the open collection. I really think they should have engaged another person first before telling me to stop working with this. Now, there is not a chance that I will be idle since I'm involved in several projects and my to-do list is long.

At the Olympic Games the women are doing very well in skiing competitions. So far there are seven Swedish medals, six of them have been awarded to women. I have been watching quite a lot of it on TV, I especially think biathlon is interesting.

It's not as cold outside anymore but still high winds occasionally. It's flu season and this is noticeable at work. Several people are at home, either because they are sick themselves or have sick kids.

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