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Sunday, November 22, 2009

More Christmas shopping

There is not that much to report, really. The weather on Saturday was very sunny. It's surprising, because November is usually never sunny. It is also warmer than normal. I spent Saturday vacuuming and tidying up. When I watered the plants I noticed that my cactus was blooming with white and pink flowers. I have had it for several years and this was the first time it showed such colors. I went to the recycling place and also to the grocery store. Ordinary chores, and not exciting at all.

Today I made an attempt at getting a flu shot. I was summoned to the medical center in Lund, but when I got there the sign on the door said they were out of vaccine. There have been problems getting enough vaccine from the manufacturer in Germany. We'll see if I bother about it later. Instead I took the bus to the mall, Nova. I got more presents for Christmas, and I think I only have to come up with something for my mother and sister now. The Christmas shopping is going better than most years, there are still about five weeks to find the rest of the gifts.

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