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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Miserably sick

I am so sick..... It started Friday morning with a sore throat. I worked like normal anyway, but was pretty tired in the evening. It must be some sort of flu because my whole body aches, my ears hurt, I have a marvelous headache, a fever and problems breathing. It was a long time ago I was this sick. It has been a miserable weekend. I have been sitting curled up in front of the TV watching meaningless programs most of the time. There are unbelievable amounts of sports to watch on weekend TV apparently. A Swede won a world cup event in show jumping, which was a surprise. There were lots of ski races also; biathlon, cross country and down hill. It was a challenge to get the three loads of laundry done today. It took forever to walk up and down three flights of stairs (four times). I hope you all feel very sorry for me for having such a miserable weekend.....


Anonymous said...

Stackars stackars dig!

Anonymous said...

Eva i botten av en flyttkartong