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Thursday, June 5, 2008


Monday I left work in the early afternoon and travelled back to Kävlinge to get the car. I then drove to Svågertorp, where there are many stores and also a big train station for the trains to Denmark. I didn't care about the trains though, I was more interested in the shopping. One of the biggest fabric stores is there, for example. I got some small things. On the way back I stopped at a mall to check the collection in the full-size woman's clothing store and ended up buying one very yellow top (my favorite colour). It was a nice evening, but it was very hot and I will think twice before I go by car to the Malmö area in rush hour again.

On Tuesday I stayed late at work to do some preparations for the exhibit, and decided that I didn't feel like cooking dinner. I went to the Chinese restaurant in Kävlinge instead. I hadn't been there in many years. The food was very nice; chicken in peanut sauce.

Wednesday evening I had picnic on my own in the park near the Church of Dome. I was waiting for a concert to start. At 7 the Lund Hemvärnskår Orchestra gave a summer concert outdoors in one of the town squares. They played very well. One of the pieces was Belle of the Ball by Leroy Anderson.

Some photos from the April 26 concert in Kristianstad can be found on this website: http://www.scoutz.se/Fotoalbum/Familj/KonsertLeroyAnderson2008/index4.html

I have been thinking of making a trip to the United States again. It's three years ago since last time. I'm planning on staying away Sep 2 - Nov 2 approximately. If anyone of my relatives reading this wants me to visit, please let me know. I'll start in the east and travel westward.

Tomorrow is our national holiday, and I will celebrate it by going shopping in Denmark!

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